Tom’s Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread

2 hours


Serves 10-12

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom’s gluten-free sandwich bread recipe was developed by Tom van Deman in the early 2000’s and he freely shared this recipe with everyone without requesting recognition.

Tom’s gluten-free sandwich bread is one of my favorite, every day breads. I often enjoy a couple slices toasted at breakfast with butter, jam, or dairy-free cream cheese.

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Adjust Servings
105 grams sorghum flour Can be substituted with an equal weight of chickpea/garbanzo bean flour
144 grams cornstarch
128 grams tapioca starch same as tapioca flour
3.5 tsp xanthan gum
1/2 tsp salt
41 grams brown sugar
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
5 grams instant or rapid yeast
3 eggs should equal 150 grams total weighed out of the shells
9 oz warm water 110*F to activate the yeast
42 grams neutral oil I use avocado oil


In a stand mixer with the paddle attachment, combine the sorghum flour, cornstarch, tapioca starch, xanthan gum, salt, brown sugar, and cream of tartar.
Add the yeast and combine well.
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Add and combine the eggs, water, and oil.
Beat the dough until smooth, about 5 minutes, scraping the sides of the bowl to ensure everything is well mixed. This can't be over-mixed, so ensure everything is beaten well. While this is beating, grease a 9x5-inch bread pan.
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Transfer the dough to the prepared pan and spread into a smooth layer with a spatula wet with water.
Spray the dough with coconut oil (or another cooking oil spray) and cover with plastic wrap.
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Allow the bread to rise until doubled in size. This could take between 30-90 minutes, depending on how warm your kitchen is.
You'll know the bread has risen adequately when the rise has become uneven (risen more on one side than the other or has some large lumps that have risen).
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Preheat the oven to 375*F.
Wet a sharp knife with water and slice the top of the risen bread lengthwise 1/4 inch deep.
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Bake 35-40 minutes or until it sounds hollow when tapped with a spoon.
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Allow to cool in the pan for 10 minutes then remove and allow to completely cool on a wire rack.
Don't slice it until it has completely cooled. The steam inside the bread helps to ensure the bread is moist and has a good crumb. If you slice it before it has cooled the bread may turn out gummy.
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  • Aneta

    Amazing. I’m gluten free for past 2 years but failed to find bread receipe that works-this is IT. Made it 3 times now and comes out perfect every time, tastes amazing, thank you so much!!

  • Lori Hannah

    Recipes look amazing and great detail and tips! Do you know where to source organic grains like sorghum? Great job!

    • The Wrote Oat

      Thank you very much for the encouragement! I buy mine off Amazon since most gluten-free flours (except a couple mixes) can’t be bought in grocery stores in my area.

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