Pavlova – Naturally Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free

3-4 Hours


Serves 8-10

Hello and happy Saturday! Pavlova is an ideal summer dessert with a light, airy texture topped with dairy-free whipped cream and fresh berries. Pavlova is egg whites and sugar beaten to stiff peaks and baked at a low temperature and allowed to cool to room temperature slowly. The pavlova exterior is lightly crunchy and the interior is soft and marshmallow-y.

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6 egg whites
6 Tbsp water
1 cup white sugar
2 Tbsp cornstarch
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp white vinegar
2 tsp vanilla extract make sure it's gluten-free!
~1 cup dairy-free whipped cream
1-2 cups fresh mixed berries blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, cherries, kiwi


Whip the Egg Whites
Into a stand mixer, or a large bowl for a hand mixer, pour the 6 egg whites in and beat on medium-high a few minutes until soft peaks form.
Preheat the oven to 350* F. Prepare a baking sheet lined with either a silicone baking mat, parchment paper, or aluminum foil.
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Add the Water & Sugar
Add the water in and beat to combine.
Add the sugar, 1 Tbsp at a time, while beating on high. This may take several minutes. I usually take 10-15 minutes to do this so the sugar is beaten enough to dissolve into the egg whites.
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Add Remaining Ingredients
While beating on medium-low, add the cornstarch, salt, white vinegar, and vanilla extract. If needed, scrape down the sides of the bowl to ensure everything is beaten into incorporation.
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Make the Pavlova Mounds
Gently scoop the pavlova onto the prepared lined baking sheet. You can make one large mound or two small mounds. If needed, scrape the edges of the mound up to help shape it better so it's taller.
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Bake at 350* F for 10 minutes then decrease the oven temperature to 200* F and bake for 1 hour. Leave the Pavlova in the oven this entire time and don't open the oven door.
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Allow to Cool
Turn off the oven after baking, prop the oven door open slightly with a pot holder, and allow the oven to come to room temperature over a couple of hours.
Chill the pavlova in the refrigerator for about an hour until it has cooled completely. If you skip this step your whipped cream will melt on top of the pavlova before it can be served.
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Add Toppings and Serve!
Smooth whipped cream on top of the pavlova and decorate with fresh berries. Cut slices and serve.
Pavlova is best day-of but is ok the next day. I usually eat it for breakfast the next day if there is any leftover. Often the whipped cream makes the pavlova dissolve a little sitting in the fridge overnight but it is still delicious!
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